Invitation from Dr Trevor Orr, Chairman of ETC10
"It gives me great pleasure, as Chairman of ETC 10, the European Technical Committee for the Evaluation of Eurocode 7 of the International Society for Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, to invite you to the 2nd Workshop on the Evaluation of Eurocode 7, which is being held at the Eucentre Pavia, Italy on 12-14 April 2010. This Workshop is being organised by ETC 10 together with the Maintenance Group for Eurocode 7.
"This Workshop is very timely because all of the Eurocodes, including Eurocode 7, are due to supersede the existing national structural and geotechnical design codes in Europe on 31 March this year. Hence European geotechnical engineers need to understand Eurocode 7 and know how to apply it in practical design situations.
"This Workshop is aimed at those who are involved in implementing Eurocode 7 and explaining it to practising geotechnical engineers."
Read the full text of Trevor's invitation
Booking your place at the workshop
Programme of events
Frequently asked questions
Proceedings from the Workshop (from 28/01/2011, no longer password protected!)
Photographs of the venue

The cost of the Workshop is €250, which includes attendance at the Workshop; coffee and lunch; Workshop Dinner on Tuesday evening; plus the Workshop Proceedings (electronic).
Accommodation is available at Hotel Ritz located 3km from the Eucentre (see booking form for details).
Click here to download the booking form for this Workshop (Word 2003 format).
Monday, 12th April
- Lunch and registration
- Welcome
- Session 1
- Update on Eurocode 7, its implementation and maintenance
- Results of the NDP survey
- Future development of Eurocodes and geotechnical issues
- Role of JRC and the implementation and coordination of the Eurocodes
- Discussion
- Introduction to Design Examples 2
Tuesday, 13th April
- Session 2
- Design Example 2.1 – Foundation with central vertical load
- Design Example 2.2 – Foundation with inclined load
- Discussion
- Design Example 2.4 – Earth & pore water pressures on basement walls
- Eurocode 7 designs for water pressures and review of survey
- Discussion
- Lunch
- Session 3
- Reliability analyses of the Design Examples
- Design Example 2.5 – Embankment of soft peat
- Discussion
- Design Example 2.3 – Pile foundation in stiff clay
- Design Example 2.6 – Pile foundation in sand
- Discussion
- Workshop Dinner
Wednesday, 14th April
- Session 4
- Impact of Eurocode 7 worldwide
- Discussion of impact of Eurocode 7 and other experiences
- Discussion of the role of reliability analysis and other issues in geotechnical design
- Panel discussion on Eurocode 7 and issues that have arisen
- Concluding remarks
- Lunch
- Post workshop – Visit to Eucentre Experimental Laboratory
Download the detailed programme (with timings)
Q1. Where exactly is the place of meeting – in or near center of Pavia?
The workshop will be held in the hystorical centre of Pavia, in the deconsacrated church of San
Giacomo and Filippo where the Auditoriom of Collegio Riboldi is located; its address is:
Via Luigi Porta n° 4, 27100 Pavia
You can have a look at the web site of the College to get all the relevant
Q2. The Ritz hotel is 3 km from Pavia – rather far to walk. Would not be better to stay
somewhere near to the place of meeting (center of Pavia)?
We are planning to organize a bus to collect all the people from and to the Hotel. But, no
problem if you prefer to stay in the centre of the town. Feel free to select any place to stay
which appears the most convenent to you. Pavia has a very limited number of hotel because it is
a very little town, so book your room as soon as possible.
Q3. How do I get from Milan to Pavia? Is there is a public bus service (whole day?)
You can reach Pavia by the fast train in a 25 min travel. See here for the time
table. Buses are available from Milan but you should check for the time schedule and the
appropriate bus stop in town. See the first link in
this website then line n° 94 of the SILA Transport company (or get the timetable here).
Q4. I want to visit Milan on Sunday (as a tourist!) – would be more convenient to stay the first night in Milan?
Yes off course. It is a good idea to stay in Milan the week end. Do not forget to book the
visit to the Leonardo's painting of Cenacolo (web site) is it is a very cheap visit but you have to book
it in advance. The workshop will start with lunch on Monday at 13:00. So you could get the
train at 11:10 on Monday morning to be in Pavia at 11:30 with some time available to get into
your room.